
Plan d’action pour l’amélioration du climat des affaires

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Actions entreprises pour l’amélioration du climat des affaires

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Budget de l’état

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Projet Fonds Monétaire Africain

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Gestion axée sur les Résultats (GAR)

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Bourse des valeurs mobilières (DSX)

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Emprunt public

Bond issue « ECMR 5.60% NET 2010-2015 »

The bond issue launched for the first time in Cameroon is an indebtedness instrument in the medium and long term

Réformes fiscalo-douanières

Modalities for steering and follow up of tax reforms

Steering modalities 1. Frameworks for steering tax reforms Tax reforms are realised in Cameroon in diverse frameworks of which the

Relation avec les assurances

Authorisation of managers of insurance companies

Profile of the managers (Articles 329 and 506 of the CIMA Code) Either, have a university degree in insurance or

Relation avec les assurances

Authorization of an unsalaried agent

The self-employed agent cannot have an agency. Profile of the unsalaried agent (Articles 329, 502, 506, 515 of the CIMA