Public contracts

Public contracts

Decree No. 2004/275 of 24/09/2004 on the public contracts code in its article 5 (1) defines public contract as being

Press room

Relations between the Ministry of Finance and the insurance market

By virtue of the Treaty of Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets (CIMA), the Ministry of Finance (MINFI), through the Directorate

Tax matters

The fiscal administration at your service

Improvement in the provision and quality of services For the past several years, the Tax Administration has been working towards

Tax matters

Taxpayers’ obligations

Obligations to file returns What are the different obligations to declare which the taxpayer is responsible for? Obligation of registration;


Tax incentives to investment in Cameroon

In order to promote and support investment, tax laws in force in Cameroon have developed a number of incentive schemes.

Tax matters

The issue of tax pressure in Cameroon

Tax pressure defines the relative importance of compulsory levies in the national economy. It is a macroeconomic greatness of which

Tax matters

Taxpayers’ rights and guarantees in the Cameroonian tax system

The tax system in force in Cameroon recognizes a certain number of rights and guarantees to the taxpayer. These prerogatives


Benefit from suspensive or economic customs regime

Because they represent derogations from the normal rules of the customs clearance procedure, the use of customs regimes is, in

Dues and taxes

Personal Income Tax in brief

Personal income tax (PIT) is a direct tax levied on the earnings of all natural persons. Those liable to this

Dues and taxes

Corporate Tax in brief

What is corporate tax? It is a direct tax levied on the profits realised by corporate bodies. It is levied