
Other deductions from wages

The other deductions are made by the tax authorities for and on behalf of certain public bodies with financial autonomy.


Taxes and dues applicable in the oil sector

Apart from the company tax, the companies that operate in the oil sector in Cameroon are subject to a special


Taxes and dues applicable in the mining sector

Apart from the corporate tax, companies that operate within the mining sector in Cameroon are subject to a special tax


Taxes and dues applicable in the forestry sector

Apart from the corporate tax, companies which operate within the forestry sector in Cameroon are subject to a particular tax

Climat des affaires

On-going pojects

In terms of the improvement of the business environment in Cameroon, the on-going projects in the Ministry of Finance are

Climat des affaires


As at 31st December 2010, most of the recommendations of the Cameroon Business Forum (CBF) were subject to concrete realisations.

Climat des affaires

The road map

The amelioration of the business environment constitutes one of the major axes of government action to making Cameroon a convincing


Benefit from suspensive or economic customs regime

Because they represent derogations from the normal rules of the customs clearance procedure, the use of customs regimes is, in

Impôts et taxes

Les exonérations fiscales à caractère social dans le code général des impôts

L’exonération est entendue comme la décharge totale ou partielle d’une obligation fiscale que l’on aurait normalement assumé. Ces dernières touchent


Incitations fiscales à l’investissement au Cameroun

Dans le souci de promouvoir et soutenir l’investissement, la législation fiscale en vigueur au Cameroun a aménagé un certain nombre