In a bid to successfully carry out the privatization process, Cameroon has a comprehensive and coherent legal framework to govern the operations. The bodies charged with the implementation of privatization in Cameroon are:
- the Inter-ministerial Committee, decision-making body co-chaired by the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development;
- the Technical Committee for Privatization and Liquidation, technical organ.
History of the Committee
The Technical Committee for privatization and liquidation (TCPL) is the body responsible for implementing the country\’s privatization programme
The regulatory framework for privatization was first established by virtue of the Ordinance relating to the privatization of public and semi-public enterprises (Ordinance No. 90/004 of 22 June 1990).
Subsequently, several decrees have been adopted to clarify the original framework. They are:
- the Decree on the implementation of the Ordinance on the privatization of public and semi-public enterprises (Decree No. 90/1257 of 30 August 1990);
- the Decree on the Reorganisation of the Mission of Rehabilitation of Enterprises of the Public and semi-public Sector (Decree No. 95/056 of 29 March 1995);
- the Order Amending Certain provisions of the Decree on the Reorganisation of the Mission for Rehabilitation of Enterprises of the Public and semi-public Sector (Decree No. 97/001 of 3 January 1997);
- the Decree on the organisation and functioning of the Technical Committee for the privatization and liquidation of enterprises of the public and semi-public sector (Decree No. 97/003 of 3 January 1997).
Role of the Committee
The Technical Committee for Privatization and Liquidation is in charge of studying, preparing and monitoring the measures inherent in the conduct of the privatization process in Cameroon.
It has as primary mission to:
- realise all preliminary studies considered necessary for the technical preparation of the privatization;
- initiate the evaluation of each enterprise to be privatized;
- advise the Inter-ministerial Committee in choosing the strategy and method of privatization;
- proceed to the putting in place of preparatory measures, if any;
- propose measures to accompany the privatization operations;
- launch calls for tenders and receive the bids;
- analyse and evaluate the bids received;
- negotiate with the successful bidders;
- prepare the closing of the transactions;
- make a post-transaction follow up.
Organisation of the Committee
The TCPL is placed under the supervision of the Minister of Finance. It comprises:
- a President
- a Vice-President
- Experts
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