“I invite you dear commissioners, to thoroughly revisit the documents made available to you so that the results of this work are up to expectations”. This call was made by the Minister of Finance, Louis Paul Motaze, on Monday, May 30, 2022, while opening the session of the Interministarial Program Review Committee (CIEP), which is taking place at Hilton hotel Yaounde, to end in June 10, 2022. It is coming up five years after the last session which was held in 2017. This present sitting has witnessed a lot of changes or better still, innovations. In quest to modernize the public financial management system, the Cameroon public authorities adopted laws n° 2018/011 of 11 July 2018 and n° 2018 of 11 July 2018 respectively on the code of transparency and Good Governance in Public Management in Cameroon and the State Financial Regime and Other Public Entities. Thus, the introduction of the program budget, touchstone of the dynamic reform, as part of the will to place performance at the heart of public financial concerns. The institutionalization of the program budget by Law n° 2007/006 of 26 December on the State’s financial regime made it essential to set up within the Government a body that guarantees the viability of ex post and ex ante performance evaluation in the management of public policies that acts as quality assurance on behalf of the Government, information that is full of performance documents to be submitted to Parliament for evaluation. It is in this premise that this body is holding, to examine the documents placed at their disposal for appreciate proposals. CIEP, haven metamophose, the new text comprised of many innovations as has been enriched with three new attributes, among which are: evaluate the performance program on behalf of the Government; ensure the respect of the dispositions of internal control and the management control and; to ensure the viability of the statistic system of information collection of budgetary information necessary for the follow-up of the performance program. The overall objective of this session of the Committee is to redesign the mapping of the programs as part of the preparation of the budget for the next triennium. They are also expected to reformulate indicators according to the intervention perimetres of the programs etc. The participants include: Statutory members of the Committee; Statutory members of the technical secretariat; the Program Managers of the Ministries and Institutions; Invited persons and, Senior officials of MINFI and MINEPAT.