By virtue of the Treaty of Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets (CIMA), the Ministry of Finance (MINFI), through the Directorate General of Treasury, Financial and Monetary Cooperation, ensures the regulation of the insurance market in Cameroon.
It should be noted that looking at the CIMA Treaty, MINFI exercises as a relay of the Conference whose competences are regional. To this end, one of its functions is to authorise the practice of the profession of insurance intermediary by ensuring the respect of the conditions of professional competence, honourableness and credibility attached to that profession.
The main reference texts in terms of the regulation of the insurance market are:
Other key stakeholders in the insurance market in Cameroon are the market operators and related occupations:
We distinguish:
It should be noted that the exercise of all these activities is subject to obtaining an authorisation issued by the MINFI.
Obtaining authorisations
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