The TOFE (Tableau des Opérations Financières de l’Etat) is a table which reports on the execution of the budget in terms of resources and expenditure for a given period. According to international standards, it is the main summary table showing resources collected, expenditure authorised, the overall balance based on authorisations and financing operations. A session of the National Balance of Payments Technical Committee was held on December…
Economic outlook for the 2nd quarter of 2024 Download Economic outlook for the 2nd quarter… Civism | the joint flag-raising ceremony as part of the civics minute was held…
Click on the image to read the citizens' budget
Instruction N° 00000437/I/MINFI/SG/DSI of 22th dcember 2021 on the application of the Information Systems Security…
Domestic debt 2000-2019 Press release from the Minister of Finance to service providers and other…