Press release from the Minister of Finance on salaries for the month of January 2025. Press release from the Minister…
Press release from the Minister of Finance to public officials in the education sector.Clic to download pdf (760 Ko) Download…
Order fixing conversion rate at Customs of foreign currencies into local currency.Click here to download the pdf (709 Ko) Download…
EITI Report 2020: Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Cameroon. Donwload final report (1,40 Mo)
CFCE in brief The Business Creation Formality Centres (CFCE) is a public organ existing in Cameroon, there is a representation…
Follow the live launch of the state budget for the 2022 financial year in Garoua
EITI Report 2019: Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Cameroon. Donwload final report (608 Ko)
As part of the 2021 fiscal year, the Minister of Finance signed Circular Letter No. 00008309 LC/MINFI/SG/DGB/DCOB/BCA to signify the…
Download the pratical guide for the processing of salaries and pensions in cameroon's public administration (3 Mo)
STATE BUDGET EXECUTION REPORT FOR THE 2020 FINANCIAL YEAR Download the State Budget Execution Report for the 2020 Financial Year…
The Minister of Finance, Monetary Authority, informs the National community that, despite the awareness campaigns carried out among individuals involved…
Download Presentation 1: Pr. AVOM (PDF 2 Mo) Download Presentation 2: George MEKA (PDF 288 Ko) Download Presentation 3: Arthur…
I. What is crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is an English term that literally means "financing by the crowd".Better known in French as…
read/Download press release on local taxes PRESS RELEASE ON LOCAL TAXESTélécharger
Read/Download the Second Party Opinion: Cameroon's Sustainable Financing Framework
Read/Download the sustainable financing framework of the Republic of Cameroon
Radio-press release relating to a fake LINKEDIN accountTélécharger
The Minister of Finance, Louis Paul MOTAZE, made this declaration at the end of his visit to the South West…
The Minister of Finance, Louis Paul MOTAZE, exhorts various stakeholders during the official launch of the State budget and…
The TOFE (Tableau des Opérations Financières de l'Etat) is a table which reports on the execution of the budget in… A session of the National Balance of Payments Technical Committee was held on December 19th, 2024 at the Mont…
Economic outlook for the 2nd quarter of 2024 Download Economic outlook for the 2nd quarter of 2024. Note_de_conj_V2016_2T2024_EnglishTélécharger Click on…