The health crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic which has been affecting Cameroon since March 2020, like all the countries in Africa and the world, prompted a strong response from the government, through a Global Response Plan amounting to CFAF 479 billion over three years, including CFAF 296 billion for the 2020 fiscal year Within this framework, Ordinance No. 2020/001 of 3 June 2020 of the President of the Republic to amend and supplement some provisions of Law No. 2019/023 of 24December 2019 to lay down the finance law of the Republic of Cameroon for the financial year 2020, and the creation of a Special Appropriation Account called the “Special National Solidarity Fund to fight the Coronavirus and its Economic and Social Impacts”, with a budget of CFAF 180 billion, divided into 4 programmes, and which concerns 24 ministries.
Download the audit’s report on the use of Covid-19 fund (2 Mo)
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