Section 14 of Law No. 2018/012 of 11 July 2018 relating to the fiscal regime of the State and other public entities stipulates that the draft Finance Bill shall be accompanied by, among other things, a Report on the Nation’s Economic, Social and Financial Situation and Prospects (RASIPEFIN). This report, which is appended to the 2024 Finance Bill, complies with this requirement. It describes and analyses : (i) the international economic environment; (ii) recent economic, social and financial developments in the country ; and (iii) the macroeconomic and fiscal outlook for the 2024-2026 period.
Download the report on the nation’s economic, social and financial situation and prospects 2023 financial year
Press release from the Minister of Finance on salaries for the month of January 2025.…
Radio-press release relating to a fake LINKEDIN accountTélécharger
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The Minister of Finance, Louis Paul MOTAZE, exhorts various stakeholders during the official launch…
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