They centre around the governmental measures applied within the concerted framework of stakeholders of the port sector and the specific customs measures for the promotion of investments.
Three key measures merit to be highlighted.
Definition and objectives
Created on 07 July 1999 with the support of development partners in view of reducing the costs and time for the clearance of goods, the One-stop Shop of External Trade Operations (GUCE) is an economic interest grouping (EIG) associating the administration and the private sector and where import and export clearance transactions take place.
Operational since the 25 August 2000, it has as objective:
It should be noted that this disposition is called upon to evolve towards an electronic one-stop shop.
Entities represented at the One-stop Shop
The following organisations, principal stakeholders of the passage of goods at the port, are physically or virtually grouped on the GUCE site:
The simplification of customs procedures through the installation of the ASYCUDA ++ computer system which is a completely automated clearance system treating all customs operations;
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